Introducing the plugin: Today, social networks are an important part of the daily life of all people, with the help of which you can make extensive advertisements. It is definitely necessary to be on social networks for every website. Mostly,…
One of the main features of websites and blogs is the ability to receive comments from the audience, so that with this feature he can communicate with the users of his site or blog, and of course, this feature has…
As you know, the structure of WordPress is such that it has a category section in the posts section, and you can categorize the posts on your site based on content. Categorizing the content on the site allows you to…
Today, there is hardly a site that doesn’t have photos, songs or videos inside it. Most sites with any topic have several media files. In order to add to the beauty of the site, we must use appropriate images for…
Pages, like posts, have titles, textual content, and related information, but unlike posts, they are not part of the current chronological process on the website, in fact, p[ages are a kind of permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged.…
After you have completed your website and installed the desired skin and plugins, you can create the content of your website. To complete the content of your website, you can use two methods: 1- Add Post and 2- Add Page…
WordPress allows users to change the appearance of their site as they wish. This is possible by using WordPress themes. Fortunately, due to the popularity of WordPress, there are many theme and plugins for this content management system, many of…
WordPress allows us to easily meet the needs of the site by installing plugins if we need more features on our site. These plugins are written by web developers around the world and made available to the public by a…